Following the events of Batman (2022), Oz Cobb, aka The Penguin, is trying to take over the underworld of Gotham. Aside from the Bat-signal in the final image of the season finale, we never got our Robert Pattinson cameo in “The Penguin.” In this short video, IMDb attempts to answer: Where the hell was Batman? According to showrunner Lauren LeFranc, Batman doesn’t appear on the show. “I understand why people want Batman or I think if Batman isn’t in a show or a movie, it doesn’t have the same impact. To me, I think it has a different impact. Matt’s movies are through his lens. Batman, so when you’re up there, looking at the city, it’s a different perspective with Oz, you’re on the city streets, you’re in the dirt and grime. He’s looking up to make his way up.” The DC Studios logo takes place on a rainy Gotham alley, and the logo changes to the Warner Bros. logo. Appeared on The Graham Norton Show: Lady Gaga/Demi Moore/Colin Farrell/Richard Ayoade/Jack Savoretti (2024). and a raw, dirty, dark atmosphere, but Farrell manages to capture that spark of charm that made Gandolfini’s Tony Sopranos. There’s a lot of dark stuff going on in this opening episode, but there are still moments of comedy that fit the tone and don’t undermine it. Where do I start with Farrell? Incredible is the right word. I love seeing talented actors give their all in roles like this, and the makeup/cgi or whatever they did to physically transform him into the penguin not only passes the visual test, but looks incredibly realistic. There’s always the risk that if the makeup isn’t good enough or is just a little off, it can be a complete distraction. In Penguin, it adds to his performance and the overall quality of the show, because it’s a damn good job. And Farrell, as an actor, is completely immersed in this role. Maybe I’m a little biased because he was one of my favorite actors before this show, but I think this will give him the recognition he deserves. I never find myself watching new shows because I like to watch episodes all at once, but I wanted to see how this one turned out. It didn’t disappoint, in fact it left me speechless. Congratulations to everyone involved in this project.
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