Rules and How To Play – Sage Creek High School Senior Assassins

SCHS (Sage Creek High School) Senior Assassins – Joey’s Rules


For other schools looking to use these rules, please kindly leave a link here.

  • Last update: New Year, New Rules


  • These rules are subject to change without notice. The best way to avoid getting a strike is to stay up to date on these rules.
  • This is the most up-to-date copy of the rules at all times.
    • Should a loophole be discovered or something minor needs to be changed, it may be changed without notice.


  • You will choose a partner and become a “group”. Your group will have a target to “assassinate” by hitting them with water. There is an entry fee of 10$ per person and the winner takes all. The targets will be randomly assigned and stored in an encrypted database. Unless something goes very wrong, the coordinators will not have access to the targets.
  • Submissions for claiming a hit can be sent in the form of a video or a picture in which the attacker and victim are both showing that the hit is valid, and can be sent over , though Instagram DM will get you the fastest response.


  • Both members must register on the Google form.
  • $20 per team must be paid to the coordinators by the start date.
    • If you do not pay by this date, the fee will increase by 5$ every two days thereafter.
  • No more than two people from the 12th grade per team.
  • While students from other schools may participate, they must first obtain explicit permission from a game coordinator.
  • If you have not turned your money in by then, the price will be 20$ a person, with a 5$ increase every two days after. There will be no exceptions to this rule unless an explicit need is demonstrated.
  • Senior assassins will officially begin on the posted date and time.
  • If you do not get your targets sent on that date, let a coordinator know.
    • If you need your targets re-sent for whatever reason, let a coordinator know, or tweet @schsassassins “Who are my targets” for a faster response.


  • The only “weapons” allowed in the game are those that involve getting the target soaked in water, i.e. water guns, water balloons, buckets of water.
  • You may use water bottles/cups of water/buckets of water.
  • Spit doesn’t count.
    • If I find out one of you tried to use bodily fluids, so help me God…
  • No fruit…
  • Nothing that can cause injury or draw blood…
    • Seriously, I shouldn’t have to say this but…
  • Water only


  • Floaties can be worn as protection. Unless it is a purge day if you are hit and are clearly visibly wearing a floatie – and by visibly I mean it is clear that you are wearing the floatie – then the hit does not count.
  • The floatie cannot be hidden under clothing.
  • If a floatie is worn by the target, they are officially designated as “safe” and may not be assassinated unless on a purge day.  A person can only be “killed” if you catch them without their floatie.
  • A person may wear any type of floatie at any time when out in public or at a place of potential assassination but the item will not be provided through the game.  If you want to use one, you need to buy it yourself.
  • If in daylight the protection is clearly visible you should be safe.
  • You can’t claim that it is too dark to see the protection if the kill was made during the night.
  • Floaties do not have to be inflated.
  • They must be an actual flotation device, normally worn over the arm. Not a strip of plastic that you tore from the underside of the driver seat of your car.
    • It must be a floatie.
  • Occasionally to switch things up a coordinator may declare that a different item must be worn or used in place of your floatie as protection.


  • ABSOLUTELY NO ASSASSINATIONS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS (this includes the school parking lot).
  • The school grounds mean the campus and parking lots. Once you leave the parking lots and enter the trails or the sidewalk past the beginning of Bobcat Boulevard, you are fair game. This means the area while waiting for the crosswalk west of the school and the entrance to the trails are fair game.
    • When attempting anywhere near the school grounds, extra caution must be taken not to interrupt or cause any issues with any events or activities being held and any reckless interruptions of school activities will not be tolerated.
  • This is referring to assassinations in which the target is not knowingly consenting to be out, if your target no longer wants to play and allows you to get them out on school grounds we will allow this.
  • No assassinations during sports practices, games, and performances in which Sage Creek is participating, held at ANY LOCATION.
    • Unless the targets are attending an event at another school in which they/we are not directly participating.
      • In this case, parking lot kills are not valid during sporting events or other events where traffic is a hazard. Should the assassin wait until there is clearly no risk, the kill may be executed, but may still be rejected at the coordinators’ discretion.
  • Ex: Football games at other schools are fair because we don’t have football, and are therefore not participating.
  • Team pictures count as participation and attempts may not be made.
  • No kills may be made in the Sage Creek parking lot while Sage Creek is participating.
  • Assassinations, while the target is participating in a club sport, are also not allowed WHILE the target is participating(this differs from school because you can get them out in their parking lot). They are safe from the moment they turn their car on to go to the event, until the moment they step off the premises.  We don’t want other schools to get angry and complain to the coordinators. As soon as you leave the school’s or location’s property and enter the parking lot, they’re fair game.
    • Similar to the above, parking lot kills are not valid during sporting events or other events where traffic is a hazard. Should the assassin wait until there is clearly no risk, the kill may be executed, but may still be rejected at the coordinators’ discretion.
    • Recreational sports do not count
      • ex: You’re not protected playing tennis with your aunt Patty at Poinsettia Park.
  • ACT/SAT test locations are protected as soon as you step on the premises from the parking lot, and no longer protected as soon as you step into the parking lot.
    • Only while there is a test, on other days normal rules apply.
  • No assassinations inside your target’s workplace. Your target becomes safe the moment he/she walks into the workplace. Walking through their parking lot before and after work is, however, fair game.
    • If your target leaves the premises to take a break from working or is no longer actively working and is just hanging out you may assassinate them.
  • If your target volunteers are in a setting where they are REQUIRED to not wear their floaties, you may not get them out.
    • Otherwise, they are fair game.
  • No assassinations in public places of worship (Churches, Temples, etc.) Parking lots are fair game. Still, be respectful. If you get yourself in trouble, it’s your fault.
  • You may NOT break into your target’s home, even if you know how to.
  • You can shoot a target inside their homes IF and ONLY IF a PERMANENT RESIDENT of the home INVITES you inside or you do not enter their property line.
    • You CAN shoot a target through a window/screen/open door/ if they are in their garage and the door is open, but you may not step foot in their property(that includes going into their garage) unless given permission.
    • Residents are people who have lived in the home for over a year. Siblings who have moved out are not residents. Only Parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. residing in the home can invite people in.
    • Driveways, entryways, etc. still count as their property line. Just because the rules didn’t explicitly specify that casitas aren’t off-limits doesn’t mean that Carlsbad police would say the same thing… If it’s against the law, it’s not going to count.
  • CARS must be OFF for the kill to count.  You cannot be driving and make a “kill” or be “killed”.  
    • This includes if the shooter is in the car, the target is in the car, or both are in their cars
    • NO SHOOTING THROUGH CAR WINDOWS WHILE THE CAR IS RUNNING. Period. Regardless of whether the shooter is inside the car, or out. This includes sunroofs!
    • Any damage caused to cars can be a reason for a strike or elimination. Don’t be dumb and cause damage trying to force yourself into someone’s car.
    • Even if the car is in park, while it’s running if they are fully in the car you cannot shoot them. Should they be half in and you shoot them in the leg or something, that would be valid.
    • For the love of God, it is against the rules to hit someone with your car. I shouldn’t have to even say this but it’s happened not once, not twice, but 3 times now…
  • Players are safe while operating any other vehicle for the purpose of commuting. This includes bikes, scooters, skateboards, etc… Waiting at a stop light is still active commuting but hanging around on your bike near a rack is not.
  • If you violate these rules, you may be given a strike at the coordinators’ discretion.
  • Dances are off-limits.
    • If the dance is off-campus, the dance venue and parking lots are safe zones and attempts may not be made.
    • If you are going to go after someone AFTER the dance ex: if they are at a restaurant, please be courteous.
      • Don’t ruin their expensive clothes, go for an arm or a leg or something.
  • Weddings or other very formal events are mostly off-limits if you are going to be at one where you CANNOT wear a floatie then let a coordinator know ahead of time and you should be covered.
  • Blocking someone from leaving in hopes of them accepting defeat is not allowed. You can’t prevent someone from living their life or try to create a “standoff” situation.


  • If somebody at your target’s home/workplace/church tells you to leave, LEAVE. It’s not worth getting people upset. If you don’t leave, it could lead to you being given a strike or eliminated.
  • Let your parents know about Senior Assassins. If they get freaked out because someone shows up with a water gun and they don’t know what’s going on, things could go downhill.
  • If any resident tells you to leave at any time, do so IMMEDIATELY. 
    • Know what’s public land and what isn’t/where you can stay and where you can’t.
  • Trespassing is entering someone’s property without being otherwise invited in. If it would get you a trespassing charge it’s against our rules too.
  • Attempts made after being told to leave may be nullified.


  • Initial targets will be given on the start date over email starting from the time posted to around one hour or two after. Your team will be going after ONE other team. The winner is the last team standing.  
  • When you legally assassinate someone, you have a few options for submitting.  You can either send videos or pictures to or just get them to a coordinator by some other means through an official channel. Send evidence of the kill, or a picture of the killer looking happy and the killed looking sad. Regardless of how it happens, We need to know who has gotten eliminated ASAP.
  • Witnesses of kills would be a good idea.
  • You may get other people to help with your assassination.  These other people cannot make any physical contact with the other team (taking guns/balloons, holding, tackling, etc.). Also, the actual shots have to be fired by the person assigned to the target. The third-party helper may not fire any shots at the target.
  • You MUST have some form of proof. Video, picture, audio, or the victim or victim’s partner admitting defeat are the only ways that count.
  • If it comes down to a “he said she said” situation and there are groups of witnesses on both sides the coordinators will make a decision based on the available evidence and may put it up to a vote.
  • The assassination will not be verified until it is reported to the coordinators.
  •  It’s up to you (the assassin) to MAKE your victim admit defeat somehow.  Don’t leave them alone until they admit it.  
    • Don’t make this difficult for us.
  • If you were assassinated and try to avoid reporting it, you will be marked as killed anyway so long as there is proof.
  • If there is no proof, the kill doesn’t count. it’s plain and simple.
  • If there is proof and you continue to argue that it didn’t happen (not that a rule was broken), your partner will receive a strike and you will be out anyway.
  • Once you have killed both of your targets, you will inherit your targets’ targets. Example:  A’s target is B and B’s target is C. When A kills B, A then goes after C. If you don’t know who you’re going after, contact one of the coordinators.
    • This is only true while the round is in session.
  • Once the round is over and all non-eligible players are eliminated, you will be randomly assigned targets.
    • The targets are assigned, essentially, in a big circle so you’ll never run out of people to go after.
  • See the above sub-bullet point about possible changes.
  • If you are getting most of the kills on your team, and you get to the point where you score more than 4x the kills of your partner, you may switch your partner one time.
    • This is only true if you have made it past one round.
    • You must prove that your partner is not making an attempt to help you and that you have done most or all of the work.
    • Your partner must STILL BE ALIVE…
    • You will not inherit your partner’s points, points stay with a group. The partner being switched leaves their points in the group they left.
  • You will need to get 2 points. This just means that if your target gets back in, you will still be moving on as long as you get at least 2 kills.
  • If after a kill is posted, and you admit to it, you double back and try and argue a kill, even if there were rules broken, it will not be repealed. Do not admit to the kill unless you are 100% sure it is legal.
  • If your target wants to be out (a “voluntary assassination”) you may get them out on campus or in other normally off-limits areas, as long as you don’t make a scene or disrupt anything.
  • If your target is a single player, you must get them out twice.
    • Single players can only be attempted with a 24-hour cooldown in between.
    • You get points for both successful attempts.
  • A self kill/friendly fire is permanent. There is no coming back in the game if you are the attacker and the victim of a hit.


  • SCHSAssassins runs on a ‘points’ system.
  • Your eligibility to continue on will be determined by points.
  • Getting a kill is one point.
  • If someone that you killed gets back in, you keep the point.
    • Killing them again will reward you with an additional point.
  • Points do not reset after the round is over.


  • Should a kill be ruled in a way that is conflicted by the assassins or the victims as well as a few other players, the kill’s ruling may be put up for a vote.
  • The voting link to any amendment or kill will be placed on the Instagram bio or sent out over email.
    • It will be up for 24 hours or more, after which the result will be decided by the majority of players’ votes.
  • The coordinators maintain the ultimate authority on whether or not a kill is valid as long as neither is involved in the kill.
    • The coordinators do not have to put a kill up for voting.


  • Once we are done with round 1, we will enter Crunch Time (Props to Coach Kung).
    • Time given will shorten every round after, you will have to have assassinated your target or you will be out.
    • The targets will be randomly reassigned after every round.
      • They will be emailed to you like they were originally when the game began.
  • After each round ends, the next round will begin, and all those without at least (2 * the round number) of points will be eliminated.
  • If your target gets back in because they get both their kills, you will still have the point for it.


  • Over the course of the game, there will be Purge Days.  On this day, floaties do not count as protection, and if they are worn their protection is invalid. If you shoot them, they are eliminated.  All off-limit zones still apply (except for Costcos are no longer safe zones).
  • You may still only get your targets or players on bounty out.
  • The purge days are decided by the Purgeometer.
    • The Purgeometer adds a random amount of percentage at 12:00 a.m. every night and will occasionally add 0.01% or 0.02% throughout the day.
      • This percentage is based on a bunch of random-ass factors, from the temperature to the moon phase…
    • Once it reaches 100% there will be a purge day the next day.
    • The coordinators don’t know when the purge days are, stop asking.
  • If you hear rumors that x day is going to be a purge day I guarantee they are false because NO ONE, not even me knows when they are going to be.


  • If a person breaks a rule, depending on the rule broken, and the current length of the game, they might receive one “strike”.
  • This is essentially how we remove people from the game.
  • If that person breaks the same or another rule, they may receive a second “strike”, and a “bounty” could be set on them.  
    • This means that we will notify every active player and tell them to all go after the rule breaker until he or she is out. In short, it’s not worth it. Don’t break the rules.
    • Having a bounty means that you cannot come back in even if your partner gets your targets out.
  • Whether or not a rule constitutes a strike is entirely up to the coordinators.
    • I can’t believe I actually have to tell you guys not to complain about someone’s punishment not being enough in your eyes, but people are people…
  • Players can be put on the bounty list for any number of reasons, especially harassing other players or coordinators.
  • If you are put on bounty, you cannot win the game.

Disclaimers, aka How well can Joey write legal speak:

  • By participating in this “game”, you put yourself liable for any actions you perform. You will not under any circumstances, hold The School “Sage Creek”, ASB “Sage Creek ASB”, or “The Coordinators” liable for any actions performed in the name of this game.
  • You also allow for your Assassins to attempt to find you to “assassinate” you.
  • You will not break laws by attempting to “assassinate” your targets.
  • You will not go to what can be considered stalking to find your targets.
  • By paying to be in the game and having your name officially listed as a “Player” I.E. you, you are agreeing to play by the rules listed on this site and spoken by the coordinators.
  • Going against any of the rules will lead to automatic disqualification from the game and forfeiture of the initial fee.
  • The initial fee is not refundable and by participating and paying you agree not to pursue action against anyone for any reason related to the fee.
  • You allow for the use of your image and likeness on the website (,, the Twitter account @schsassassins, or any other social media, and will not pursue any legal action against any of the aforementioned groups for such use.
  • Sage Creek High School is not in any way affiliated with Senior Assassins. Doing stupid things is the sole responsibility of the game participant, not the coordinators, school, or ASB.  
  • Simply put: Don’t do anything stupid. Play fair and be honest. Respect people’s property. No trespassing.
  • Please don’t try and argue every single kill with the coordinators, they are doing this unpaid and putting many hours of their time into this game for you guys to enjoy. I can’t bold this line enough. Stop arguing every small detail with me.


In Senior Assassins, Can I…?

  • Can I get the shirtless XC boys out while they are running?
    • No, that is still a school-related sport. All practices and games and whatever else constitutes that sport (not like fundraisers or team bonding events but like required stuff) are off-limits for attempts.
  • Can I get someone out when they are in their garage with the door open?
    • You can shoot through into the garage to get them but unless you have their permission, you can’t go into their garage to shoot.
  • Can I get them out in a pool/the ocean?
    • They are safe in the actual pool itself, but the moment they are FULLY out of the body of water, they are fair game.
  • What if my partner gets out?/What happens if my partner gets out but I’m still in, can they come back in?/Can I bring my partner in?
    • They will remain out unless you get your remaining targets. If you have already assassinated one then just get the other. Once you have gotten both your targets out, your partner will be back in.
    • This is not like the round where you need two points, you must get all of your targets out AFTER your partner is out, and be reassigned, then your partner will be brought back in once you let a coordinator know.
  • Can I hide my target’s floatie?
    • This one’s interesting, Yes and no.
    • Ex: Their floatie is in their car. You may move it under a seat or in a trunk or glove compartment but you may not remove it from their ownership. You can not take it. You are allowed to hide it though.
  • Can we get people out at that one game that Carlsbad high plays with the weirdly shaped ball?
    • If you mean football, then yes. Football games at Carlsbad High School are fair game.
  • Am I safe if (weirdly specific situation)…?
    • If you could have put on your floatie but didn’t, as in nothing prevented you from putting it on, you are out.
    • Don’t try and be all “I was on the curbside of the club sport I participated at tho”. Just wear your floatie…
    • This is the catch-all for “am I safe” situations.
  • What if I have a video of them saying they got out and they double back on it later because I decided to not get any evidence?
    • They are out.
    • Thanks for asking David, because you asked me about this probably 12 times, we now have it in the FAQ section.
  • Why isn’t my kill being posted?
    • The coordinators are also trying to do actual school while running this. Give it time.
      • That being said if like a week goes by and nothing happens, feel free to contact us again.
  • Can I falsify information about this game to my targets in order to make my kill?
    • Yes. It is up to you guys to check with the official sources on whether someone is in or out and whether or not something is legal. If you are the victim and tell me a kill is legal, it is legal simple as that. No doubling back on your word.
    • Falsifying information when submitting a kill is a no-no.
  • Can I track my partner using illicit means?
    • No. If someone can prove that you were tracking them using something that would be considered illegal in the eyes of the law, that is an automatic strike.
    • This is not the case if you are tracked via things like the Snapchat SnapMap, find my friends, or any other consensual location sharing means.
  • Can I get someone out while I am the one at work?
    • Yes, you are fully allowed to get someone out while at work.
      • If you work at in-n-out this is only true in the parking lot or in the drive-thru.
    • If you get fired for spraying customers with water, you can’t hold anyone liable but yourself…
  • Am I safe while taking the ACT or the SAT?
    • See Off-limits zones, but yes, you are safe while taking the test.
  • Can I admit to getting out in a video than after it is posted double back and say that I don’t think it should be valid?
    • No. Attempts posted are final unless a vote is taken or a coordinator determines a major rule to be broken.
  • Do I need to get both my targets out or just get 2 points(if for example, both targets get back in)?
    • Just get (2*round #) points.
  • If the person that I have as my target gets back in, do I still keep the point?
    • Yes.
  • Do the coordinators know who my targets are?
    • No. The coordinators have very limited information that can only be used to confirm that kills are valid.
  • I heard a rumor that —–day is a purge day? Is that true?
    • No.
    • No one can predict the purge days, they are determined randomly, see above.
  • Am I going to move on to the next round?
    • Depends on the following two criteria:
      • Does your group have at least 2 points
      • Do you have at least one active player
    • If your group meets both these two criteria then you will move on.
  • Does my partner come in at the round end?
    • No.
    • You must get your remaining target(s) out to bring your partner in.
  • Can I get two points if one of my targets gets back in and I get them again?/Do I get multiple points for multiple hits on the same person?
    • Yes, the round requirement is two points, not necessarily both different people.
  • Who created this website/How can I run it for my school?
    • You can contact @joeybab3 on Instagram or Twitter for help setting this up for your own school.
  • Can I get someone out while it is raining?
    • Yes, this is legal, just logistically challenging to judge.